Tuesday, June 5, 2012


The current city plan in place in Venuzela is a Euclidian Zonig Plan, a plan in which certain types of buildings are grouped into different zones (such as Residential,Commercial,Industrail, etc...)  and no building of a different type can be built in a zone designated to a different type. Although this plan is very simple and very straight forward, this plan is very problimatic for a number of reasons, the main one being the fact that the zones are in different areas, transporation is needed to do every thing. For example since there is no neigborhood supermarket (since a is commercial and a neigborhood is residential) when you need to get grocories you need to DRIVE to the store which is harmful to the enviroment and also for the elderly who are unble to drive and can only walk obtain their groceries, getting their food supplies can be a hassle. In response to this problem by 2100 we plan to a Multi Nuclei system making of individual nuclei like the one show in the picture below that all lead up to a Central Buisness Center in the center of the town that deals with all of the official bossiness relating to the Governmaent, etc...


The story of how Caracas, Venezuela became sustainable was by the following steps, we decreased the export of oil to a minimum of 50 percent to other countries, made the population stable as by improving health care centers and thus decreasing death toll and other policies to make the birth toll stable, changed the government structure which had an imbalance power between the three main government constructing builders which are the private sector, civic organizations and the community, and made policies which gave all three of them a balance of power making the government an overall effective one and thus into a reliable one, added efficient sustainable energy resources like solar panels, windmills, hydroelectric dams and last but not least we established an efficient consumer policy. With these changes Caracas will become a sustainable city and a role model for other cities/countries that need improvements.

Monday, June 4, 2012

population pyramid

Present population pyramid

Present population pyramid growthChart.
The current chart shows what we call an expanding growth type, where birth rates rapidly increase and the older population of the country decreases to a maximum with high age.
Rapid birth rate means less educated people.
Increasing death to a maximum with age means poor health care and poor country hygiene.
Estimated 2100 population growthChart.
This is our population pyramid for 2100 as you can see the population Is stable. We accomplished this result by introducing a policy that give people in the poverty zone an annual sum of 60,000 US dollars and saying that every time they have a child the sum is reduced by 20,000 making it an encouragement for people to not have many children.

consumer policy

The consumer trends are actually not increasing but decreasing as a result of the presidents anti America attitude. This anti American attitude helps because American goods are what mainly dominate markets around the world such as clothing lines, MC donalds, KFC, and other such American products. The president is also encouraging people to buy locally made goods and to make there own goods

goverent policy

The current government system in place works like, where the private sectors have the most power, while the public (citizens) or the civic organizations have a minimum amount of power, making the current government of Venezuela an overall ineffective government. A very corrupt one where the judicial system has laws like “A supreme court judge can basically be fired at any time by a high official without any proper reason”, while the president of Venezuela “ Hugo Chávez” who is trying to decrease corruption by making a policy plan which started 8 years ago but in the eyes of a non-bias citizen hugo chavez indeed hasn’t worked a bit on stopping corruption, but has just increased it by interviewing non-qualified supreme court judges who would blindly favor his officials in an court.
The action plan for the future would be that the civic organizations would be a part of the private sector so they will both be unified in the government. And this way the civic organizations will have a equal say in the goverment while the community as well have a equal say in laws and public growth and thus goverment, which is now pretty much lacking at the present part of the goverment, and thus after all the following steps making the venezuela goverment an overall effective one

Current resources pie graph
Energy consumption

Estimated resources pie graph 2100 We chose to change our graph to this arrangement  too

Make the amount of water used from the three resources
Energy consumption

We choose this arrangement to decrease the amount used by transport and industry and to instead devote it to agriculture and non-energy usage 

Food resources current

Energy resources current

Estimated food resources
We chose this arrangement to reduce the resources used to make heavy water consuming resources such as chicken and milk

Energy resources current

We chose this arrangement to remove all fossil fuels and to put natural resources in there place renewable resources like solar wind and hydroelectric.

For waste there was no data to make a pie graph

smart cities area of concern

Smart cities area of concern:

The three most significant sustainable issues for Venezuela are Population Pyramid, Government Structure, and City Plan.

Government Structure: In our new government the civic organization will be part of the private sector so that they are unified in the government because it will allow private sectors to listen and also give advice to people. Also, the community can vote for matters of national importance like public and private policies. The financial situations will be advanced by exporting an abundance of farm goods, stones such as diamonds, metals, and exporting less oil.

City Plan: Venezuela has very low amount of green space, side walks, plus buildings and the streets are very close to each other. Our plan to fix it’s city plan is by, isolating buildings away from streets and business areas that have limited space. Venezuela should have less open space and more green space by producing efficient fields, and sidewalks so that it’s more green.

Population Pyramid: Venezuela’s population pyramid isn’t stable. Our plan to fix population pyramid is by establishing a new policy that gives people in the poverty zone an annual sum of 60 thousand US dollars and every time they have a child the annual sum is reduced by 20,000

Caracas, Venezuela

Venezuela is a hot and humid place much like the u.a.e however it rains almost every night due the the high humidity. Some of the natural resources are raw consumer goods such as gold,diamond,oil, and other such things. The top three things that Venezuela did the best in were co2emissions, recycling, and water usage how ever even these were low and only high in comparison. However water is the only real good one Because they have made policies to reduce water consumtion. One such policy makes it at regular interviles the price per liter of water higher.